Tuesday, February 22, 2022



        There is a proverb in Arabic, ‘Unspoken word is your slave, spoken word is your master’. Lord Krishna has also said in Gita, ‘the language spoken become ‘tapa of words’ when it is truth, spoken with study and thoughtfulness, and does not cause pain’. Lord Buddha also considered ‘samyak vacha (balanced words)’ among the principal 8 ways to Nirvana. Numerous thinkers and saints have been explaining the importance of controlled speaking over the generations. Ben Johnson had said something like,  “the words reflects the quality of a person so perfectly, which the best mirror can also not reflect.’ There is a verse in ancient Sanskrit literature which means, ‘there are no horns on the heads of bad persons, nor are there flowers on the palms of good ones; when they speak their words, their personal qualities are known.’  

        The nature has given valuable gift of speaking to human beings. It is for the person how to use this precious gift and the way he uses it, his personality is developed. We express whatever thoughts, whims, produced in our mind, through our words. There are other modes also like eyes (moving pupil etc.), face (smile etc), hand gestures etc. 

What we express through our words has long term effects and it works as a sword sharpened on both the sides. Once a word is expressed, it cannot be taken back (even if it is spoken without any intention, or out of emotions). So many times it happens that we speak out such words which cause pain to the persons whom we love or respect most. We repent whole life for this. Most family displeasure occurs due to the words spoken without thought of patience. 

        A person becomes saint or a liar. or some times beggar too, due to his words. To make our words sweet and controlled it is essential that it contain truth, only truth. When a person is telling lie his words and his brain works differently. That is why police use ‘lie detection test’ in criminal cases. Advantage of speaking truth is that we do not have to remember it. Truth remains truth for eternity. Disadvantage of speaking lie is that we have to remember with details and any variation exposes us.  When we utter the words with enough information, study, research and express them in simple, easily understandable words, they become impressive, their credibility is full. Not a word more, or not a word less than necessary to express ourselves, the words are sweet, roll out like a stream without stopping, easy for the listeners to digest immediately, they become very popular. Veteran speakers have these qualities and we feel as if we are on a pilgrimage while listening to them. The  teachers and professors who have these qualities become most popular among their students. 

        The people who are holding high posts like political and social leaders, preachers, have to be more careful while speaking and selecting words. The words coming out from their mouths are sticking to their career forever and can be used any time in future either for or against them. Their words can be used even for or against the organizations or institutes they represent.  
(Translated from a published Gujarati article)

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