Tuesday, February 22, 2022

 Short story


        When the wife came home from outside, she saw her husband tying a rope on a fan hook and preparing to commit suicide. Seeing that, the wife said, "Wait, please, wait a few days ..."

        The husband was surprised. When there was a big quarrel in the morning, she would say, "It's better to die," I asked her, "Why?"

        "Let me see if we have a good photo of yours to put in front of people who come for bereavement. If not, call a photographer and grab it. Otherwise people will talk about me what rubbish was I married to. I don't even have a good white sari. I have to bring it, I have to dye my hair. " Then she looked at the fan hook and said, "What if the hook on which you tied the rope came down with a plaster crust? .. so please, stay a day or two ..."

        The husband has stopped and is still staying.

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